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Matthew Passmore

Website strategy & development

Links // workflow

7th August 2019

Shoes at last!

I'm seeing more and more personal sites echoing these sentiments, including my own:

In typical perfectionist fashion I was planning on getting my own site looking exactly right before revealing it to the world. But, as I've been saying recently in one of my talks, perfect is the enemy of good. Getting something up is infinitely better than getting nothing up at all!

Natty animated logo, also.

4th December 2019

Improving my workflow

Even though I think that blogging is essential to becoming a better writer, the process around the writing can be super annoying and right now requires a ton of manual work for me. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed how this process is actively hindering me from sharing links, quick ideas, or even embarassing relationship melodrama

Robin's template has helped me create my own workflow to remove friction from the process of sharing links.

18th September 2019

17th September 2019